About Us

We make data simple

We are a team of seasoned Spark engineers and exited-founders who have encountered the challenging and expensive journey of constructing a data stack within the complex landscape of data management. We've realized that transforming data into insights and subsequently into actionable decisions is a daunting task. This process is often excessively time-consuming and overly complex, significantly diminishing your company's ability to swiftly adapt and thrive in the rapidly evolving, AI-driven future.

Recognizing these challenges, we have dedicated ourselves to simplifying the intricacies of the entire data stack and data refinement process. Our goal is to help businesses manage their data operations effortlessly, ensuring that insights are not only accessible but also actionable within the shortest possible time frame. By doing so, we aim to enhance your company's agility, enabling you to stay ahead of the curve in a world where speed and efficiency are not just advantages, but necessities.


Our mission is to help companies just make data easy. That is to harness the power of data with unprecedented speed and simplicity. We strive to dismantle the barriers of complexity, cost, and inefficiency that have traditionally hindered data management and analysis, empowering businesses to navigate the data-driven world with agility.


Our vision is to create a future where every company, irrespective of size or sector, can seamlessly engage with their DataGol AI as the central nervous system of their strategic operations. We aspire to transform DataGol AI into the quintessential Business Operating System, the “BOS”, for the C-suite, providing real-time, conversational access to integrated business insights. No longer will businesses wait days or weeks to unlock the value of their data; instead, they will engage in immediate, insightful dialogues with DataGol AI to illuminate paths forward, making strategic decisions with clarity and precision..