Fully-managed platform for business
data operations, without hiring

Connect, analyze, and act with a platform that brings together data, conversational insights and automation to streamline your decision-making process.

All in one data platform
for end to end decision intelligence

Hundreds of App and Data Connectors

Seamlessly connect with hundreds of apps and data sources to streamline your workflow and data integration.

Intelligent Data Cataloging with AI

Leverage AI to dynamically organize and make your data discoverable, streamlining access and enhancing data utility.

Advanced AI-Driven Data Ingestion and Transformation

Transform and integrate data effortlessly with AI, ensuring it's primed for analysis the moment it enters your system.

AI-Enhanced Data Cleaning and Enrichment

Elevate data quality and value through AI-powered cleaning and enrichment, ensuring accuracy and depth in your insights.

AI-Ready Data Lakehouse from the Start

  • Built-In AI Capabilities

    From day one, our data lakehouse is equipped with advanced AI functionalities, ready to analyze and learn from your data.

  • Simplified AI App Development

    Our platform empowers you to swiftly build AI-powered applications directly from your data.

  • Optimized for Machine Learning

    Designed with machine learning in mind, ensuring data is clean, structured, and ready to train your models.

AI-powered Conversational Analytics and Insights

  • Intuitive Exploration with Natural Language

    Ask questions about your data in plain English and receive insights as if you're chatting with a data scientist.

  • Real-Time Insights and Predictions

    Get instant analytics and forecast trends with AI that analyzes your data in real time.

  • Unleash the power of AI for everyone

    Empower all of your non-technical business users to converse, insight, and create the data story for executives to make decisions

Advanced Reporting and Dashboards Powered by AI

  • AI co-pilot for Visualization

    Elevate your data storytelling with an AI co-pilot that intuitively translates complex datasets into compelling visual narratives.

  • Embeddable dashboards

    Effortlessly incorporate interactive dashboards into your applications, providing users or customers with real-time insights.

  • Report Auditing from your reports

    Auto-compare with existing accepted reports to see differences and build trust with stakeholders

Streamlined Workflow Automation

  • Customizable Workflow Triggers

    Set up bespoke triggers for your automated workflows, ensuring tasks are executed at the right moment.

  • Hundreds of app integrations

    Connect your favorite tools and platforms, automating workflows across your entire tech stack

  • Automate Routine Tasks

    Free up valuable time by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, from data entry to complex workflows.

Spreadsheets on steroids

  • Supercharged functionality

    Familiar Excel shortcuts. Slice and dice with powerful pivot tables. Formulas that translate to SQL.

  • Collaborative Tables and Views

    Work together seamlessly on data projects, sharing insights and building upon each other's analysis with a robust, scalable tool.

Frequently asked questions

What makes your platform unique in handling data and decision intelligence?

Our platform uniquely integrates hundreds of app and data connectors, AI for intelligent data cataloging, ingestion, and enhancement, alongside features like conversational analytics and advanced reporting, all aimed at simplifying and empowering your decision-making process from end to end.

How does the AI-powered Conversational Analytics work?

Our Conversational Analytics allows users to query data using natural language, providing instant insights and predictions. The AI understands your questions and delivers answers, making data analysis as simple as having a conversation.

Can I integrate my current apps and tools with your platform?

Yes, our platform supports hundreds of app integrations, enabling you to seamlessly connect your existing tools and platforms, thereby automating workflows across your entire tech stack without disrupting your current ecosystem.

What is AI Data Cataloging and how does it benefit my business?

AI Data Cataloging takes your current reports, tables, and data and uses artificial intelligence to automatically organize and make your data discoverable, streamlining access and enhancing utility. This means faster, more efficient data retrieval and usage for your business needs.

How quickly can I start seeing insights from my data?

With our platform, you can start seeing insights immediately thanks to our AI-Ready Data Lakehouse, which is equipped with advanced AI functionalities from the start, ensuring your data is primed for analysis the moment it enters the system.

What types of data cleaning and enrichment does the AI perform?

Our AI-enhanced data cleaning and enrichment algorithms detect and correct inaccuracies, standardize and harmonize disparate data elements, and intelligently integrate relevant external data sources to improve the quality and value of your insights.

Is it possible to develop AI-powered applications using the data in the platform?

Absolutely! Our platform empowers you to quickly build AI-powered applications directly from your data, leveraging built-in AI capabilities and optimized environments for machine learning.

How does the platform ensure data security and compliance?

We prioritize data security and compliance by implementing stringent data management practices, encryption, and access controls, ensuring your data is protected according to the latest industry standards and regulations.

Can non-technical users utilize the platform effectively?

Yes, our platform is designed for both technical and non-technical users, featuring intuitive interfaces, conversational analytics, and automation that make it accessible for anyone to derive insights and make data-driven decisions.

What support and training resources are available for new users?

We offer comprehensive support and training resources, including detailed documentation, online tutorials, and dedicated customer support teams to ensure you can maximize the value of our platform for your business needs.